Ooty to Theetukal Taxi Fare, Ooty Cab Charges, Ooty Car Rental Tariff, best taxi in Theetukal .
Ooty to Coimbatore, Airport, Railway station Taxi Fare, One way cab service, Theetukal Car rental tariff |
Tata Indica |
Rs. 200 |
Book Now |
Tata Indigo |
Rs,300 |
Book Now |
Toyota Etios |
Rs.320 |
Book Now |
Tavera |
Rs. 350 |
Book Now |
Innova |
Rs. 400 |
Book Now |
Tempo Traveler |
Rs. 550 |
Book Now |
Swaraj Mazda 20 seater |
Rs.700 |
Book Now |
Ooty to Theetukal Taxi Fares
Get affordable fares for Theetukal to Ooty taxi at OOTY TAXI FARE that starts from Rs. Tariff per km ranges from INR and . Clear break down of fares including driver allowance. No chance of hidden charges. Select a car from OOTYTAXIFARE.COM wide range of fleet including Toyota Innova , Etios , swif0t dzire, Tata indica , Tempo traveler and Chevrolet Tavera with charges available right here. Booking a cab from Theetukal to Ooty is now comfortable and cost-effective with Ootytaxifare.com seamless online cab booking services. The distance between Theetukal and Ooty is 3 km. Journey time for Theetukal to Ooty would be approximately hour 20 mins. Book your Ooty to Theetukal taxi .
OOTYTAXIFARE provides the best travel options for Ooty to Theetukal Cab. Be that a one way, round trip or a sight-seeing package from Theetukal to Ooty, every car rental option is available at OOTYTAXIFARE. Also book a taxi from Ooty to Theetukal railway station taxi , Theetukal bus stand taxi , Coonoor local taxis service Theetukal call taxi service.