Ooty to Velankanni Taxi Fare, Ooty Cab Charges, Ooty Car Rental Tariff, best taxi in Velankanni.
Ooty to Coimbatore, Airport, Railway station Taxi Fare, One way cab service, Velankanni Car rental tariff |
Tata Indica |
Rs. 9000 |
Book Now |
Tata Indigo |
Rs, 10000 |
Book Now |
Toyota Etios |
Rs. 12000 |
Book Now |
Tavera |
Rs. 13000 |
Book Now |
Innova |
Rs. 15000 |
Book Now |
Tempo Traveler |
Rs. 19000 |
Book Now |
Swaraj Mazda 20 seater |
Rs.24000 |
Book Now |
Ooty to Velankanni Taxi Fares
Get affordable fares for Velankanni to Ooty taxi at OOTY TAXI FARE that starts from Rs. Tariff per km ranges from INR and . Clear breakdown of fares including driver allowance. No chance of hidden charges. Select a car from OOTYTAXIFARE.COM wide range of fleet including Toyota Innova , Etios , swif0t dzire, Tata indica , Tempo traveler and Chevrolet Tavera with charges available right here. Booking a cab from Velankanni to Ooty is now comfortable and cost-effective with Ootytaxifare.com seamless online cab booking services. The distance between Velankanni and Ooty is 425 km. Journey time for Velankanni to Ooty would be approximately 10 hour 20 mins. Book your Ooty to Velankanni taxi .
OOTYTAXIFARE provides the best travel options for Ooty to Velankanni Cab. Be that a one way, round trip or a sight-seeing package from Velankanni to Ooty, every car rental option is available at OOTYTAXIFARE. Also book a taxi from Ooty to Velankanni railway station taxi , Velankanni bus stand taxi , Coonoor local taxis service Velankanni call taxi service.